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On the 4th June, at Farnborough Masonic Centre, lodges from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Province presented cheques to many local charities with the total almost reaching £29,000.


The picture shows the then Worshipful Master of Border 2475 (right), presenting a cheque for £1000 to Cystic Fibrosis Care at Frimley Park

After a successful submission to the Thomas Langton Fund, Border Lodge were awarded the magnificent sum of £750.00p for the charity. Parity takes care of adults with multiple severe disabilities on a daily basis at their centre in Cove, Farnborough, Hampshire, where parents can bring their loved ones for one to one attention and therapy. They also organise trips to numerous places of local interest. The funds that we have donated are to help with the running costs of their fleet of specially converted mini buses.

The photograph shows from the left W.Bro Pat McCaw Thomas Langton Fund Representative, Emma (Carer) with their star patient Leon, W.Bro John Goss (Charity Steward), W Bro Brian Smith (Lodge Almoner) and Helene Abbiss (Parity
Appeals Executive)

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