Consecrated 1893
Farnham Masonic Centre, 42 Castle Street, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7JB

We are a vibrant and active lodge in the province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight meeting in Farnham, Surrey. We have a wonderful blend of highly decorated masons, many of provincial and grand rank, supporting and mentoring those masons less experienced in the arts of freemasonry. Our lodge is inclusive to all regardless of race, religion and wealth.
There is a thriving social scene that is again inclusive to all. We support many charities and were the first in province to reach the festival target of £50k....a feat of which we are justifiably proud.
We are a very popular destination for visiting brethren, especially from Surrey and Hampshire, who often attend our meetings on multiple occasions.
Our festive board with a high quality 4 course meal, coffee and drinks from the bar, is always a lively affair thanks to some of our more gregarious and comedic members - they will know who they are!
We practice once a week during the masonic 'season' and afterwards can be found at the Nelson Pub in Farnham, Surrey doing what comes naturally to many of our brethren.
We currently meet at the Farnham Masonic Centre six times a year.
A Brief History
In the Minutes of a Meeting held on March 14th 1893 one reads "The secretary then read a petition from the Brethren named therein to the Grand Lodge of England praying that they should be allowed to form a Lodge at Blackwater to be named The Border Lodge The reason for the name is that the first meeting place being the White Hart Hotel where it all started from was situated on the borders of Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire. They requested Panmure Lodge No 723 to support the application. The Warrant was issued on 29th April 1893, and the first initiate was initiated on 14th November 1893.
It was at the Lodges 50th Anniversary that Grand Lodge expressed the wish that records should be kept of those Brethren in the Craft who had been called to H.M.Forces, or otherwise aided the war effort…All this is recorded in the minutes and the Lodge was pleased to announce that no member lost his life nor experienced any grievous harm owing to enemy action.
During the next 50 years the Lodge went from strength to strength, and after leaving the White Hart Hotel it met at the Hawley Hill Hotel and also at several venues as there was uncertainty in the world. In the year 1958 the Lodge transferred to the Agincourt Hall in Camberley but still held the Festive Board at the Hawley Hill Hotel. After concerns regarding costs when the Agincourt was being more interested in commercial interests, they moved to Farnham Masonic Centre in October 1981, where the number of meetings was reduced from 8 to 6, where we still meet today.
Our Centenary Meeting was held on 9th November 1993 at The Aldershot Masonic Temple in Edward Street, that being a more suitable venue for the expected numbers attending this celebration. The Ceremony was honoured with the presence of W.Bro Robert K.Mills Goodlet PSGD Asst PGM and W.Bro Alan C.L.Callaway OBE PSGD PAsst PGM and on this special occasion they occupied the Junior and Senior Wardens Chairs respectively. Other Grand Officers present were W.Bro Jack Coe PJGD, our Visiting Officer W.Bro George Lloyd PSGD PAsstProvGM and our own Grand Officer W.Bro John Whittaker PJGD. The Brethren then dined at The Princes Hall, Aldershot, where the menu was similar to that at the Lodges consecration in 1893.
We are still a dedicated Lodge supporting numerous Charity events and pride ourselves in our generosity, as can be seen with our success in the last two Festivals:
Festival Lodge 2005 New Masonic Samaritan Fund Festival
Festival Platinum Lodge 2016 Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys
We have been honoured by being presented with The Festival Gavel at The Annual General Meeting of The Province as a Festival Lodge for the 2016 Festival in aid of the Royal Masonic Trust For Girls , which will be displayed with pride along with the pewter trowel at all our meetings.
We had a truly wonderful celebration of our 125th Anniversary and 750th Meeting in October 2018 with over 75 masons in attendance including the Provincial Grand Master.